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Meet The Team: Mackenzie

Today we’re continuing our Meet the Team mini-series with our new kid on the block: Mackenzie!

Our favorite IT girlie has been blowing clients away for a few months now with her empathetic support. She loves skincare, a good morning routine, and making lasting memories with her friends. So let's get into it and learn a little more about our newest career strategist!

Introduce yourself and your job role for us.

I’m Mackenzie Perez and I’m a career strategist here with 6 Figure Chick Consulting™. I primarily work with our clients that book The Optimizer. It’s one of the services that we provide which includes a done-for-you resume and brand collateral. It’s a service for anyone who may not be the best with writing their resume. They might have a lot of skills in a lot of other areas, but maybe that’s not necessarily their strong suit. Or even just someone who is maybe torn between a couple of things that they’re interested in. I just try to help strategize and navigate based on what their transferable skills are and where it seems like they’ll be most happy … and make the most money.

Where are you from?

I’m from Fort Wayne, Indiana but I’m a military child, so I moved all around—nowhere exciting. I’m very much a Midwest girl and I spent the majority of my time living in Colorado. I came from Colorado to Texas when I graduated from college. I would come to Austin on weekend trips while I was in college and then I was like, "This is where I’m going to be when I get my degree." My friends didn’t believe me when I said I was coming out here but I love Austin.

When is your birthday and what’s your zodiac sign?

My birthday is February 22, so 222. Angel numbers. It makes sense and is fitting since my zodiac sign is Pisces.

Tell us a little bit about your career experience prior to working for 6 Figure Chick Consulting

I did a lot of work in social services. Prior to working with 6 Figure Chick Consulting™, I worked with military families, military kids, and I also worked to help house the homeless population here in Austin, by providing them with access to mental health services and things like that. I went to school for Human Services and Counseling, so I worked with people with substance use disorders and all that.

Tell us about your most recent career transition and how you started working at 6 Figure Chick Consulting

Okay, so my most recent transition would have been from working with the homeless population to moving into a role here at 6 Figure Chick Consulting™. My journey was a little bit different from everyone else’s. Social work is a hard job. Even if you have a passion for it, it’s mentally taxing. It’s a really, really thankless job, obviously. 

A friend of mine had actually put me on to Shaque’l and the brand’s TikTok. At the time, I binge-watched some of the videos and then immediately purchased the DIY template that Shaque’l used to sell. I think that was in early January 2023. All throughout 2023. there were things that were still pulling me back to my old job: "Mackenzie, we want you to stay on. Here’s a promotion. Here’s a raise," that kind of thing. And it got to a point where I was like, "It doesn’t matter what you all are giving me. I’m so out of here." 

Ironically enough, about a year later after discovering 6 Figure Chick Consulting™, Shaque’l just so happened to post that she was looking for an executive assistant, and I was like, "I’m not an executive assistant, but I could be an executive assistant. I did this, I can assist.” So it was really just like a shoot your shot moment where I applied. I’ve told people before I ended up applying in January. And then January 2nd, I was still with my old company, but I’d just moved on to a different team. And when I did that, my new boss was explaining to me what the role was going to be. He was super-duper nice, but as he’s explaining to me, I was trying to fight tears back because I just couldn’t believe I was still there. But as I was sitting there talking to him, I got an email from Kate saying that she wanted to interview me. And the rest is history! I wasn’t chosen for the executive assistant position but I was hired on as a Career Strategist instead!

What’s a Piece of Advice You Would Give Someone Making a Career Change or Job Transition?

I would encourage someone to really put themselves out there. The things that people are willing to do are what sets them apart. And so if you’re not willing to put yourself out there—I was talking about this on an Accelerator call last night—people get so scared to look desperate or this or that. Baby, it doesn’t matter.

How Has 6 Figure Chick Consulting™ Changed Your Mindset or Perspective?

My perspective has changed a lot. I’ve always thought it was important to be authentic and be yourself. It’s okay to put in that extra mile, obviously, but still having respect for yourself and your limits and your boundaries is important too. You going that extra mile can very much be the difference between you getting it and you not getting it. And so that’s what I would say. I think people just need to be a little bit more bold. 

I’ve learned so much and so many ways. I think growing up in the Midwest, around a lot of people that don’t look like me – which is fine – but I think that I saw their experiences in the workplace versus other people that look like me or are in groups similar to me. And so just even having my eyes opened up to it’s okay to be yourself and you should want to be yourself has been huge. You shouldn’t want to even work for someone who has a problem with you being yourself. 

How Has 6 Figure Chick Consulting™ Impacted Your Lifestyle?

It’s impacted my lifestyle because I don’t have to work in unsafe spaces anymore. That was a big thing in my last role. It’s pretty risky. And so that’s been nice that I can just be in the comfort of my own home. I don’t have to be worried about my safety.

What’s Your Favorite Color?

I think blue is my favorite color because there’s no ugly shade of blue.

What’s Your Favorite Food?

Salmon and mashed potatoes, whatever other vegetable on the side, it really doesn’t matter. I’m mostly paying attention to the mashed potatoes. But yeah, salmon and mashed potatoes. 

How Do You Like to Spend Your Free Time?

I love to binge-watch a good show—something that has nothing to do with real life. I love watching reality TV, but it’s completely unaligned with the way my life works. So anything that can just take me into another dimension, that’s what I’m watching. 

What Do You Love or Appreciate the Most About Shaquel?

I love that she’s just herself. She’s a very kind, loving person. But even when people kind of misunderstand her, she’s still herself at the end of the day. She knows her heart and her intentions. And I think when you keep the right people around you, they know your heart and your intentions. So I like that about her a lot. She doesn’t mince words and she stays solid on who she is.

Thanks for letting us interview you for our community!

No, thank you! And to everyone reading, I hope we get a chance to work together soon!

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